The Guilds of Darkspire

The Meeting of Guilds To The House of Morn
You have dealt a serious blow to the Guilds. We thought you to be friends, allies, in this dark time but your true nature has shown through. You are cowards, hiding in the shadows of Highhome, plotting how best to destroy those who trusted you. Your madness is a disease on this city. You and your dogs from Jarrdik will pay. This treachery will not go unpunished.
-Elo, Speaker for the Guilds

The Meeting of Guilds To The Frost Rangers
I pity you. I really do. You are striving for grandeur, but have no way to achieve your goals. The House of Morn has used you, played you. They have no intentions of keeping you around. They need you to be weak so that they might dispose of you when you are used up. You call them allies as we once did. Do you really believe that they won't do away with you as soon as the city is taken?
-Elo, Speaker for the Guilds

The Meeting of Guilds to The Recyclers
My brothers, first let me apologize for my earlier outburst against you. I have not been in the right head space recently. My scientists have found a way to ensure that the effects are somewhat minimal. Fits will still occur but not nearly as badly as before. You were right about the Doctor Eston, and he will be dealt with once more pressing matters have been seen to. We have been betrayed by the House of Morn. They and their dogs have seized two territories from us. We have put aside matters between the Guilds and stand united until this threat is disposed of. We ask for any assistance you can to drive them out of the city of Darkspire. But be careful what you say I'm sure that they have spies intercepting these communications.
-Elo, Speaker for the Guilds

The Meeting of Guilds to The Shienen Cavalry
Brothers as I'm sure you are aware we have been attacked by the house of Morn, any assistance you may be able to provide would be appreciated.
-Elo, The Speaker for the Guilds

The Meeting of Guilds to The Crimson
Brothers of the sand. The Prophet of Iron and Magic begs an audience. As you are aware, The House of Morn and their dogs have taken what was ours. These heathens must pay for what they have done. We ask for an audience and any assistance you may be able to provide.