Hizzelim takes off speaking at an incredible rate, words blending together as he goes. He gesticulates during his speech, gripping the bare spot of his chin thoughtfully and rubbing the tattoo atop his head when ashamed or bashful.

"Blackstone mountains eh? Fairly straightforward name then, but suitable for recognition of a landmark such as this as I highly doubt the stone is likely to change colors on a regular basis, though given enough time any stone will change in both coloration and shape from erosive forces. Which Aran was that again? Also I would be remiss if I did not elaborate on my prior inquiry into the events which led to our current situation, It was more a general curiosity into the many curious events, not the least of which was the pavement assaulting that beautiful building and that finely dressed chap saying a great deal about failure and orders. However from the look in your eyes I infer that I am either perusing vaults of knowledge to which you are as equally barred as I, or I have once more fallen into my habit of over speaking. Possibly both. Perhaps the situation would be best remedied by a simple gesture indicating the direction I might travel to locate this trans-locative Aran, and ascertain my explanations from they?"