I-it's not like I've missed this forum or anything...

Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post

That's what I'd like to know.

Ah, touch screens. I guess the moving parts of buttons can get stuck(had this happen with my desktop computer's power button, everything worked perfectly except the power button), but touch screens seem like they're still in the "too delicate for a commonly abused piece of office equipment," stage of development from what I've seen of them.

Don't like phones or just scared it's already been snapped up?

The whole touch screen thing just feels super derpy with a photocopying machine. Sort of, is this really necessary? I guess it makes the whole log-in system easier when it's super digital and stuff, but... Still... *murmur*

Phoning about something big and official is scary! The flat is nearly ours. Just paperwork panic right now.