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    Halfling in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: MitD VI: The Undiscovered Creature (Please Read the First Post)

    Thumbing through the Pathfinder Bestiary 2 I found Qlippoths: http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/a.../qlippoth.html

    None of the Qlippoths listed seem a perfect fit for MitD, but the Augnagar is so close.

    All Qlippoths:
    • Horrific Appearance (Su) (effect varies by Qlippoth, but can 100% explain the circus scene)
    • various teleportation abilities (Dimension Door, Word of Recall, Plane Shift), though none perfectly explain the "escape"

    Augnagar in particular:
    • Huge (would explain size of "dad")
    • normal environment is Abyss
    • DR 10/lawful (only Miko could "tickle" him)
    • constant True Seeing (can't see the gates)
    • 1/day Waves of Exhaustion (obviously never used for real, but maybe used as flavor?)
    • Str 32 (I think that's enough for the tower scene?)
    • Int 5 / Wis 20 (might explain the disconnect we see in his apparent intellect)
    • "As an outsider, it does not need to eat to survive, yet it remains ravenous and feeds on anything it can overpower."

    Some other Qlippoths:
    • Command ("stop")
    • Word of Chaos (maybe also could explain "stop")

    • all Qlippoths are immune to mind-affecting effects
    • most Qlippoths seem to have odd numbers of eyes
    • temperament is… not quite correct

    However the Qlippoth "family" seems SO CLOSE that perhaps there is a non-Paizo variant of the Qlippoth that does match; or perhaps Rich modified the Augnagar slightly. Just some thoughts!

    EDIT: in fact, Erik Mona (now @ Paizo) first statted out these Qlippoths in Armies of the Abyss in 2002.
    Last edited by colanderman; 2013-05-26 at 07:52 PM. Reason: found early reference