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    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: MitD VI: The Undiscovered Creature (Please Read the First Post)

    On what Rich has said: it's all a matter of interpretation.

    His language specifically states that the MitD is not a completely random creature with made-up stats. That's cool, nobody wants that.

    He then, however, qualifies that statement quite heavily. The talk about a "fine line" with regard to originality makes me suspect that while the MitD will not be a (insert gibberish name here), he creates a loophole for it to be a narratively developed creation. This is, IMO, far more satisfying than a (insert extremely obscure critter here) that is almost as bad as making something up.

    If nobody but 3-4 people recognize what the heck the MitD is even once it's revealed, what's the payoff?

    This is why I suspect the MitD is either V or another nearly-memory-wiped-or-suppressed character, and his random flashes of not-MitD-ness seem to point most heavily towards V's aptitudes and traumas.

    As for his appetite: he states in one comic that he eats because he's lonely. Also appropriate for V, who has been steadily alienating himself from his friends and family.

    As for his strength and similar confusing traits: if a powerful magic-user has obtained super-Epic-level magic powers but then suppressed knowledge of them, are there really any actions that the MitD has taken that cannot be explained by the suitable application of magic, when cast (semi-consciously) by a tremendously powerful magic-user?

    Also, I'm really not trying to be all "I'm right and you're wrong, nyah nyah", GW... I'm just trying to approach this from a literary/narrative perspective. I have enormous respect for the analytic skills and depth of knowledge of the D&D-verse found in this forum. However, I think Rich also does, and might be using that against us.

    Not in spite of, but because all this effort by the community has still come up with nothing but contradictory monsters, I decided to try a lateral approach. I hope nobody is offended that I'm offering an alternate explanation based on this.
    Last edited by NovaeDeArx; 2013-04-30 at 01:06 AM.