Quote Originally Posted by CosmicOccurence View Post
The gligar Fury attacked swung its tail at the dragon in a wicked arc that shone with dark energy dealing 18 physical dark damage. Another begins to drag Valeri's unconscious body into the ground. G3 darted underground after being hit by a knife that Rashif threw. Duncan releases a large boulder with four arms who threw a scattering of sharp rocks at a gligar.
Muk, I'll get Valerie! Fury, Wing Attack! With far too much excitment for bloodshed, Fury swipes at G5 and G7, while Janan charges at G5 swinging the cleaver.

Wing Attack, AC 2 and 4 Physical Flying
(1d20)[15] G5
(1d20)[3] G7
Arms Attack AC 6 Physical Normal vs G5