[Soul Society]
Spirit Academy - Chief Instructor's dojo

Sawada merely shakes his head, moving back inside to wait for the Logistic Division's men to arrive and collect the wild child. He says nothing, excusing himself when the team arrives swiftly to collect the wounded Shinigami.

[Soul Society]
S.S.I - Main Grounds

Sawada paces the floor of the Grand Sorcerer Chambers, small displays floating about him displaying autopsy reports and video feeds from the mortal world via Tamaki's watch. He sends a Hell Butterfly to Yumiko and Alice before calling forth a few blue prints for the new temple grounds.

[Soul Society]
Logistics and Medicine

Sawada moves through the Log and Med grounds, three large folders in hand as he searches for Captain Li's gardens. She had after all asked to see the end results when they had them and he was certain she would find the answers interesting.