Mortal World Downtown

While the beast had better agility in the air Tamaki had the edge in maneuverability. After all, he was a giant monster trying to move in cramped areas. This allowed Tamaki to at least keep the Hollow in his sights. However it had displayed a level of intelligence that other beast that he had occasionally seen didn't have.

Seeing the beast head for Naito again Tamaki timed his jump and leapt off of a building, however he did not leap towards the beast. Instead he leapt at a taller building. Using the traversing technique he had been using to get around Tamaki landed on the building and increased it's elasticity to many times more than he usually did and prepared himself. Pushing off the building Tamaki was off like a shot and high speeds. His trajectory was aimed at where the avian Hollow would have to go in order to grab Naito like it seemed to want to. As he did so he clenched left hand and the Adjudicator sprung to life, trying to plunge the blade of spiritually energy into the beasts back.