Li gives a puzzled look at Sawada, the vials steaming in Li's hands. "That's all you have to say about the matter? That it's a toxin? I'm disappointed, Yasunobu-san. I was hoping you would fill me in on the long-term effects of..."

Li falls silent as Sawada changes the subject to reorganization of Gotei. "That is not a subject I called you here to discuss", the elder replies, turning attention back to the vials. "I'm going to discuss with Sparrow-soutaichou later today. I expect she will call a new Captain's meeting afterwards. Hopefully, this time everyone will attend it."

As Sawada took the only chair around, Li limps to a nearby workbench and places the vials in a holder. The vial on the left is slowly turning into something... green. For a moment, it looks like something is swimming in it, but then the liquid settles.

"As far as Sabitsura-san is concerned, I doubt she will go rogue. She is anti-social, yes, but fairly high-functioning. Once properly indoctrinated, she will make a great weapon against Hollows. Or do I have to remind you what happened to the last kid from Rukon whose aura killed everyone close to him?"