Quote Originally Posted by Rotting Baron View Post
Aiden catches the drink and glances at it for a moment before downing it as quickly as it came. He shakes his head a bit. It'd been a long time since he'd had something that stiff.
"You look like you need a refill?" Naku offered, raising an eyebrow slightly.

Quote Originally Posted by The Alexandrian View Post
There is a young woman strutting into the inn that looks something akin to my avvie. She's not as openly armed to the teeth as she hasn't come here to cause a ruckus or participate in a tussle tonight. Her sword is a unique enchanted longsword, not a giant magical claymore, but she's pretty much the same apart from what is specified above. She has elemental brands burned onto the palms and backs of both of her hands, all four of which are hidden under a stylish pair of black leather fingerless gloves. There's also a breathtaking silver tattoo painted on her neck by C'nor's char and Spec's girlfriend Trium.

Spec's full description follows just in case anyone wants further elaboration on her appearance.

Her glossy, silky-smooth, voluminous, and luxuriant naturally two-tone cerulean and cyan hair (the tips of which have been dyed hot pink) is swept back into a vibrant, bouncy ponytail that floats about the base of her neck, shifting left and right aerodynamically with her foxy, charismatic face. Her eyes are tinted emerald and shimmer with a coy, cogent glint. Her lips are lush and of a subdued fuchsia tone. Mounted atop her head are cute little (modified and enhanced) bat ears that are furry on the back that are more often than not tucked away and obscured under a thick layer of her hair, seamlessly camouflaged and blended with it. Some of her teeth have grown fanged, honed to a fine point, though these are retractable canines interspersed throughout her mouth in strategic positions, so they won't hinder typical (or atypical) jaw movement in the least! However, apart from what was mentioned above Spec retains the typical characteristics of the human face.

Spec is a mutant with a spindly ultramarine tail! It is practically a slim blue-furred whip of a tail! It wags and swings back and forth as though it has a mind of its own. In fact, the female it belongs to pays it no heed as if she has yet to acknowledge its presence.

On the palm and back of both of her hands are circular brands etched and delineated in an almost metallic substance that closely resembles gold in tone and sheen but obviously isn’t as evidenced by how flexible it is. They are about as ornate and gaudy as can be, eternally reworking themselves again and again and again into altogether dissimilar depictions of symbols for the elements fire, earth, water, and air.

On her neck there has been painted a breathtaking silver tattoo granted to her by her partner, Trium!

The perspicacious gal isn't quite a ravishing beauty. Her body type dictates voluptuousness but with special emphasis on athleticism and functionality, but it has been hellaciously malnourished for years and is only now beginning to procure essential nutriment in excess of what it takes to survive. That said, her musculature is more developed than that of a generic top-of-the-line super-soldier and of an altogether divergent design that makes her unique anatomy even less compatible with standard medical procedure and protocol for normal-ish humanoids.

She is currently wearing a purple Saints branded tube top, a similarly branded pair of short-shorts, and a set of sneakers marketed by the same street gang.

Anyway, she'll stroll up to the bar and take a seat! She could use a drink and she wouldn't mind a little friendly company.
"What can I getcha?"
Naku asks, offering a friendly smile.