Name: Lucas Fletcher
Race: Male Human
Class: Fighter 10, Order of the Bow Initiate 2
Age: 21
Height: 6'3
Weight: 160 lbs.
Alignment and Temperament: Neutral good. Easy going, loyal, quiet, unsure
Hair Color: Dirty blond
Eye Color: Blue

Equipment: Very little. He is wearing a ragged and dirty uniform of black and brown. He has a wide leather belt. He is carrying no weapons or possessions of any kind.

Appearance: Lucas is tall and thin but well muscled. His appearance is shabby and worn, like he has been on a long journey with little rest. His face is young but lined with years of hard work and care. He has an old, puckered scar that runs from his left ear down his jawline to his chin. He walks with a measured, almost military gait and stands straight, even though it looks as if all the weight of the world used to rest on his shoulders.

Backstory: Lucas has very little memory of his life before arriving in The Town. He remembers he used to have a powerful longbow, he fought many wars and he has several close friends, but he remembers no details. His only memory is the face of a rough but beautiful woman that burns in his mind's eye. He is certain that they were in love but he does not remember anything else about her. He is a man without a home and without a past.

Common Knowledge: He is new to the area and looks very, very tired. He carries no weapons and does not appear to have any money.