
Umber sighed, as much as one could sigh without having breath, and drifted over to his flesh. The power that brought him here - the stolen power of the elixir - was fading fast, but he managed just enough to force himself back into his form and knit it back together - enough, at least, to jump-start this carcass back into motion again. Being separated from his body had been a thoroughly disconcerting experience, but Umber wasn't one to pass up a lesson, no matter how old he got. And he'd learned quite a bit about the ways that will and spirit could be used to command the flesh. Even being undead hadn't been as much of an education when it came to all the ways that the mind could triumph over the body.

Umber gestured down at himself, green light flowing out of his fingertips as he felt the old stirrings of his gift deep within him. It felt good - being divorced from his power had been painful, especially without the benefits of being a Lord of Blood to compensate. It felt like he'd regained the use of a missing limb, or regained his full sight after being allowed to see only in shades of grey. But there was no time to enjoy the simple pleasures of his return - he had an angry demigod to deal with. Well, not angry. More tetchy. But still, Nihilus wasn't one to take lightly.

"Oh, don't get pissy with me, mister. You were planning on stabbing me in the back at the first opportunity - either murdering me or leaving me to rot, or else dooming me to some small existence because you believe I can't be trusted with anything of significance." Umber paused, then allowed. "Admittedly, I wouldn't trust me as far as I could throw me, either, but still, it hurts. I meant what I said about admiring your goals, Nihilus. It's just the part where you want to destroy me that I have a problem with. Can't you understand that I - that is, the I that exists in this mind, the iteration of Umber that you see before you - would never free Azguloth? Or allow him to be free? The damn Hierarch tried to use me to unlock the little piece of ****. I'd keep him imprisoned for spite alone. Now, what do you want? I have a lover to rescue, and a retirement to plan, assuming the world isn't about to go to hell. Again. And, if you feel like repaying me for saving us all from Marialta, you could at least fill me in on what's different in this timeline."