Surrealistik: The errata looks really good, and I applaud the effort made to get one of these up. I've got a couple of things to bring to the table to take a look at.

Blue Mage: Observe - Not a big fan of dipping an ability to be a Blue Mage once without being a Blue Mage ever again, so I had an idea. "On the third consecutive level gain without being a Blue Mage, the ability will become dormant. To recharge this ability, the player must spend an entire level as a Blue Mage. Will always be active while as a Blue Mage."

Shields: I agree that there needs to be a price boost on the shields, but matching them to armor seems way too harsh. A x1.75 (give or take .25) seems to be more reasonable as they are just supplements to the armor rather than a second set.

Limit Breaks/Summons: It has been suggested by a few for upgrades (Novagraf Page 30 post 8)/(War Planets, Page 35, post 2), and I like the ideas. For what War Planets suggested, maybe to be used in conjunction with a Destiny Point cap to prevent hoarding/abuse. As for summons, I can't be the only one who thinks having a separate pool of points for summons only isn't a bad idea. How to implement it...I have ideas, but I'm not sure how good they are.

Gambler Slots: R8.50Mango posted this- and I think it needs to be added. (Dust approved)

Black Mage Crystal Cannon: Charismagic is already being looked at, and I'm surprised this one hasn't been touched yet since it has brought about a lot of hullabaloo about 10 pages back.