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Thread: Final Fantasy d6 (Complete System)

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Final Fantasy d6 (Complete System)

    Quote Originally Posted by ThreadOfFate View Post
    This seems like a good idea. I personally am forbidding job changes in my game I'm currently running, since I feel that the strongest FF games are ones where the jobs are fixed into the character - it isn't just what they're doing, it is a strong part of who they personally are.
    I get this, but at the same time in those games characters tended to be less statically defined by a single job either. Which is probably why I like multiclassing here, just to make stuff a little more oddball (magic archers or gunmages, engineering geomancers, etc. etc.)... though as I've already complained repeatedly the system doesn't support stuff like that very well.

    The problem as I tend to see it is that the system is engineered in such a way that it encourages playing a "base class" and then occasionally multi classing for a powerful ability here or there rather than creating any sort of split identity. So it ends up being less a way to help further define your character and more a way to powergame by making sure your red mage has mind over matter and ancient spells (etc.).
    Last edited by squiggit; 2013-05-31 at 02:14 AM.