A Human In white clothing head to toe, walks in, he clothing is tattered in a few areas but he doesn't seem care, He has a longsword in a hilt to his side. His eyes are Blue with a golden hue he has golden brown hair which flows down to his shoulders. He wears not armor and the only visible peice of equiptment he has is his clothing and weapon. He sits in a far corner with his back to the Wall. "Hello, and I honor your invitation, I am Warden Gyugen the third, I am but a wellwisher of the people, I hope this meeting will be for helping people. I have travelled to farest reaches of the world in helping any person in need." (Have me roll a bluff check on the name if you want though I do expect it will pass) "Page, if you could bring me something to drink that would be very delightful I have been travelling with Vvaren for some time and my throat is parched." (again another bluff check if needed)