Seeing Dano, Garath could not help a smile. He was such an odd little man, with his little tricks all about him. It was highly amusing the the tank of a man. In fact, from where he stood, he could stike out at almost anyone in the room with ease. It was a typical thought to cross the mind of a battle torn man like himself.

"I have lived life for far longer than most in this room, and as such, I have seen things that you could not simply comprehend. The human in general is a highly mistaken one, for a demon can vary as much as a human, though they would seem to be generally malevolent to the young race. Just as a dragon's horde is not always the riches you think it was. Next, I have to say, do not compare me to you simply because my blood is draconic. My heritage is none of your concern, and if it becomes an issue, I will not hesitate to inform you of it. Also, unlike any of you, I offered my name, and a piece of my origins. You responded with silience. Do humans not find that disrespectful? I am still new on your little traditions."

Garath's look at Dano showed all that he cared about. It was a look the sceamed, "I tried to be kind..." The massive man clearly didn't think much of these people already. And the mostrous being was getting bored again.