Quote Originally Posted by Carry2 View Post
Kubota was, for quite some time, actively trying to kill the head of state and subvert the judicial system. Shojo, likewise, was the victim of an assassination attempt. Many of the nobles deserted the city in the middle of a foreign invasion. For all the bloviation about standards of honour, there is almost nothing in the strip to suggest that the azurite nobles were particularly honour-bound or respectful of the rule of law. There is plenty of evidence to suggest the exact opposite. And if Shojo caused the nobles to become that way, then his Good alignment is dependant on vague and off-panel references to benign social policy.

Is this all theoretically compatible with a CG alignment? Yes. Will the actual in-comic record provide a useful example to those who want to play machiavellian CG masterminds themselves? I doubt it.
None of it suggests that they would start sending armies at each other if they didn't get their way. What you're doing is extrapolating wildly in order to support your argument... while, at the same time, dismissing other evidence as not being on-screen enough. And yet you're completely blind to the double standard involved.