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Thread: Sources and Dragons (IC)

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    Dwarf in the Playground
    MechaKingGhidra's Avatar

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    Sep 2006
    Pouce Coupe, British Colu

    Default Re: Sources and Dragons (IC)

    "Ah, yes. I have also not been accustomed to the slight triviality of introductions. If that is what is necessary for the time being, then I am called Vyn Ssevisk. I have slumbered for what I can determine to be far too long, approximately a thousand years, as even the gods I had grown so familiar with are gone, replaced by dieties I do not believe I could find any common ground with. And from what I can determine of pure assumption, though I am reluctant to do so as assumptions nearly always lead to disaster, I feel I can place much envy in the gold one as more than likely he has lived far longer than even myself but without the encumbrance of having to adjust to the unknown only after waking up after such a pause from living normally, instead only continuing existance as most beings do. As for my personal heritage, I can only reveal that my people were, and perhaps still are, providing they are not completely lost to me, admittedly quite a race with a fair bit of omnipotency and that our empire was of an elite class until events I do not know the details of due to what I would call a "hibernation period", eventually led to the crumbling of my people's culture, as all empires must eventually go through."

    After a few moments, he briefly continues with:

    "I hope this was sufficient information and that I did not ramble, although I would not doubt such a thing as I am fully aware that I am not very socialable with others beyond my own kin."
    Last edited by MechaKingGhidra; 2006-11-11 at 12:14 PM.

    Avatars courtesy of Qwernt (Nagahydra) and jamroar (Ice Devil).