
The answer made no sense - or no direct sense at any rate.

But the puzzle was easy enough to solve, she had moved into Amy's old place a week after the change - so either the Ventrue were keeping an eye on her and others, or Erica had gotten the number from her mother after calling the house.

The first was creepy as if the Ventrue were tracking her so were other people, it also meant that they were likely putting themselves as risk with the Jackal and would likely blame that risk on her.

The second option would have made her blood boil had she still being alive - how would they like her to be calling up there families and friends?

Calm down she breathed in you are guessing.

"Sorry I only moved in there a week after that night" she wanted to make her voice light like a good natured joke, it came out cold "have you been keeping track of me?".