[Mortal World]

"Yeah, sure, I don't see why not. It's just an informal Ghostbusters Anonymous meeting anyway," Kenzan shrugs as he offers to lead Mikael to the meeting. "Speaking of which, what's the deal with all this?" Kenzan asks motioning to all of Mikael's bandages and general disfigurements. "Is this some kind of condition or did somebody give you a full-body massage with a blender?" While they make conversation, Kenzan will lead Mikael to the designated meeting place, though depending on what mode of transportation they take he may get restless.

[Soul Society]
(Phoenix Temple)

Yumiko was attempting to finish up the days' paperwork when the alarms sounded. Someone was attacking HER library? Equally scared as she was defensive, she immediately commenced the standard procedure, activating artificial Barrier Kidos throughout the complex, sending Hell Butterflies to multiple Divisions just to see who would respond first.

(Kenpachi Memorial)

Scarlet's face burns red in anger at the passive-aggressive bull**** of her fellow officers. Even the Vice-Captain of the Command Division, who outranks her by quite a bit, earns her fiery glare. Everyone there is equally the subject of her fury. "If the three of you are going to act like children, take it somewhere other than the Kenpachi's grave! We are ALL Comrades on the same side in a war here, no matter what Division or how much 'tact' one may or may not have. Masaru, if you don't consider Naijeru your friend now, then you'd better start soon, because you're both going to need to have each other's back regardless of whether you approve of the other's behavior."