Garath looked at the elfish creature and let out a booming laugh. A clawed hand hit the ground as the mighty man contained himself. He looked at the small green man and spoke with a little less boredom in his mighty voice.

"My now! We have ourselves a keeper, Dano! He is like you, an intelectual! Rahaha! Well, you have some set on you little man, most people wouldn't dare to call Zenkai a mere weapon, or even to call my ways wrong. When I use the word titan, I mean anyone that can give me a good fight. let's hope it never comes to that between us. Another, note. If I don't enjoy a battle which I use my Zenkai in, I won't allow the bastard to be resurected by the Divine. Nah! I'm just trying to ratrtle you up, little guy. You got a spine, which is more than I can say for most men these days! When we get a chance, you can buy me a great big drink!"