Professor Affidavit

Alias: Technically Professor Affidavit is his alias. Affy has discarded his real name, claiming it belongs to his "better half".
Gender: Male
Race/Species: "I once was human, but I have no body of my own now. I am just a mind, a bundle of thoughts held together, spread across my many creations."
Age: 50
Alignment: Evil, for sure. Though Affidavit himself laughs at the concept of alignments.
Class/Profession: Mad Scientist/Lord of Creations
Power Rating: Pass.
Description: "I have no form. I have no body. I exist only in the minds of my creations, spread across them all. As their numbers grow, I am spread ever more thinly. If this continues, I shall cease to exist. My creations and I will become one. But perhaps when the time comes I shall choose instead to take a physical form once more. I don't fear merging with my creations, I just don't know if I want to."
Personality: Arrogant, selfish and generally unpleasant. Affidavit dismisses everything around him as inferior and rarely shows any respect for others. Though a man of science driven by his desire to improve his creations, he refuses help whenever it is offered. Aside from his creations and his experiments, there is little that interests him. Affidavit does have quite a sadistic streak, however. He's prone to running experiments that serve little purpose than to make others suffer for his own amusement. At times he's even pointlessly sacrificed his own creations for no other reason than to take pleasure in their deaths.
Equipment: Professor Affidavit controls a race of metal beings originally created by his own hands. Referred to simply as his "creations", they carry out his every command. The creations will be explored in detail in a separate post, but there are several other inventions worth mentioning.
Liquid Agony: "Did you know that creatures can die from pain alone? Once they reach a certain threshold, their mind can't take the strain and simply gives up. And all it takes is one little vial of this liquid. I'm going to start pouring the contents over you. Slowly. One drop at a time. I wonder how long it will take to make you scream." A fearsome, clear liquid designed by Professor Affidavit to be the perfect torture device. Every drop of it causes intense agony. In large enough doses the liquid can even be lethal. It is also quite useful as a means of incapacitating victims. Such sudden overwhelming pain can be quite effective at rendering foes helpless.
Ranged weaponry: While capable of using laser weaponry and other assorted toys, Affidavit has a fondness for projectile weaponry. He favours devices that fire projectiles at incredible speeds, easily breaking the sound barrier. The theory is that there is no need for such a high fire rate with so much force behind each shot. Affidavit has his own special designs for these devices, allowing for them to be quite compact despite their power.
Melee Weaponry: Affidavit has developed melee weapons that are built around a core, a sort of rechargeable internal battery. They usually have a number of settings that allow them to be superheated, or charged with electricity to shock a foe on contact, etc.
Mind-hacking devices: In the past, Affidavit's inability to protect his mind was a weakness that was exploited on several occasions. Extensive research resulted in means to protect his mind...and to invade the minds of others. It requires direct contact with the subject's brain to use these devices, but they are very effective.

Abilities: Affidavit has but a single special ability: his incredible mind. At times it has been incredibly unstable, and he has more than once tread the thin line between genius and insanity. But ultimately it is his mind that his enabled him to make his creations come to life.
Professor has lived a long and complicated life...

In his early life on his homeworld, Affidavit was quickly recognised as a prodigy and came to be respected for his powerful intellect. He made great scientific advances for his people and helped usher in an age of peace and prosperity.

But such things never last. People are rarely satisfied, always greedy for more. Over time Affidavit came to resent the people he worked for. Every time he revealed a new invention there was less praise and more demands for further improvements. Why should he continue to aid them when they gave him so little in return? They needed him! He was a genius, a legend, they should be worshipping him!

And so he turned to his greatest piece of work, the one invention he would always be remembered for...his creation. A living creature constructed entirely of metal. It was superior, superior to those fools in every way. He would make more of them. He would show them just what he was capable of and they would see the products of his mind in all their terrifying glory. None would be spared from his wrath.

Perhaps when Affidavit's mind first connected to that first creation of his, something went wrong. Perhaps it did irreparable damage to him, and sent him hurtling down the path of madness and rage that led to what followed. Without warning, his creations went out into the world in a killing spree that would consume the entire planet and cleanse it of all its inhabitants. There were none who could stand against him, everyone had come to depend on the technology he had spread across the world, and their dependence was their downfall. He held the world in an iron grip, crushed it beneath him, and built his own paradise on the ashes that remained. An entire planet dedicated to the construction of his great creations...

And then Affidavit came to the Nexus, in the Town as it was then known. He joined an organisation known as KNAVES, assisting them in enforcing their twisted version of law upon the Town's unfortunate inhabitants. It was during this period that Affidavit created many of his other inventions, such as liquid agony. Though he never truly believed in KNAVES' cause and was merely using them as a suitable base from which to continue his work, he did in time develop a strong loyalty, in particular to the leader of KNAVES.

But nothing lasts forever. KNAVES crumbled and split apart. Nearly all of its members left the Nexus for one reason or another, and Affidavit, already weakened by an event that split him in two, teetered on the very brink of insanity. He tried to replace KNAVES but found nowhere else to be a suitable replacement.

Eventually his attempts to replace KNAVES led Affidavit to form an alliance with Magtok, something that would have drastic consequences. Affidavit and Magtok never saw eye to eye and eventually their disagreements resulted in Affidavit being kicked out. And then Magtok sent an assassin after him.

The assassin, known as Hannah, slit Affidavit's throat. But the Professor had planned even for his death, preserving his mind by transferring it into the creations' mental network, allowing him to effectively remain alive as long as he has creations to inhabit. But not everything went exactly according to plan. In time, Affidavit drifted back to the abandoned KNAVES castle, lost in madness and haunted by phantoms of the glory days of KNAVES.

The mad Professor dreamed of making KNAVES great again. A foolish dream, brought on by his unstable, delusional state. It took a long time for him to truly recover from his madness. He was forcibly removed from the castle by a dragon that possessed great magical power. She threatened to destroy everything he had worked for and for the first time since the glory days of KNAVES he felt inferior to someone...

But through that dragon Affidavit saw a glimpse of greatness. An experiment produced fantastic results; creations that far surpassed his existing technology. This was enough to make Affidavit finally abandon KNAVES for good and embrace a goal that had been put to one side for a long time.

Affidavit has once more become obsessed with his creations. He is more stable and wiser than he was in the past. No longer does he think of KNAVES or seek power over the Nexus or anything so foolish. He is driven by a desire to repeat the success of that one past experiment and bring all of his creations that one step closer to perfection.

Miscellaneous: "If I am to find the means to further improve my creations, it will be here in the Nexus. I cannot afford to indulge in any pointless endeavours for my own amusement any more. I must wipe the slate clean and appear to be a decent, respectable individual so I can operate freely without fear of retribution."