Ah, the tip of the iceberg. The crux of the issue. The action sequence of a waste of a theater ticket. The convergence of converging stuff. The thing where you put everything together. Do you have a pie-crust? Your face is dangerously low on things having been thrown on it. he muses with no shortage of the mania Usabhar has come to expect from the arcane being.

Well if you want to know what I think, check it. This is child's play! It's nothing! He says with no shortage of rather misplaced enthusiasm. Lemme tell ya something. I'm five thousand years old. I've seen and heard things far, far scarier than the multiverse falling apart. Or reconfiguring, I dunno. I mean, the guy that killed me and made me what I am today...heh. That's a story for another time. Still, let's just say that even today, where i'm at least ten thousand times more powerful than I was then...I still don't think i'd last a second against them.

But I digress. Over the years I began to notice a pattern. Everything. All of existence. It's all the machinations of a progressively higher being whose sole purpose for creating conflict among us "lower beings" is for their own amusement. Get it? It's all one great joke. Not one they share with us, mind you. But if you aren't laughing, then you will. You'll learn to appreciate it soon enough. Mortals ascended to Godhood learn appreciate it better, I think.