Josie decides to make his way back and reveal what he has seen to the group.

He approaches with his hands raised, less some triggerhappy mercenary mistake him for a small animal. "Gather everyone, I've got a little to tell. And you may want to put out that fire for a bit." You notice that he actually seems a little serious for once. He glances a couple of times over his shoulder when he first arives, as if possibly expecting to be followed.

After everyone is once again awake, or at least the ones who choose to wake up and here what the scout discovered, Josie reveals what he knows: "There is a town up ahead, or something like it at least, but something was a bit off. The doors and windows were built to defend against something, and the grass was overgrown. It's possible that's from a lack of caring, but I suspect they were busy with other things. They had some sort of tavern, and as best as I could tell they were telling warstories inside. Something about taking a castle with an army. Then I saw some sort of scout take off into the night. Something doesn't feel exactly right, but I didn't see anything concretely wrong either."