Yay! Got to Minmus and back without actively watching a tutorial while doing so. Asparagus staging (which I had read up on beforehand) was a massive help in the fuel department: I still had enough in my main tank for 80% of my orbit-Minmus-instead-of-flying-past-it burn*, and when I got back to Kerbin, I had literally two orders of magnitude more fuel left than last time. I then proceeded to waste 90% of that trying to circularize my orbit before saying getting bored and deorbiting, but still.

Also, I learned a valuable lesson when landing: if the altitude isn't changing but your velocity is still at 20 m/s, you will explode upon hitting the ground

*I know there's an official name for this sort of thing, but I can't think of what it is. I want to say "Orbital Insertion Burn", but don't know for sure. I'll probably kick myself once I find out though.