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Thread: [Nexus] Inside 53

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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    The Windy City

    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 53

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Magtok View Post
    EMBOH Air-Vault

    "No need. I wasn't going to do this at first, since it feels a little bit like cheating, but-"

    Magtok opens a telewarp portal in front of the wee pixie man, between that rocket and the same. The other end appears just in front of those gawking hero-types, aimed at the ground by their feet. Should his portal placement go as planned, certain superfolk will be getting a rather bitter taste of their own medicine. Let's just hope, for their sake, that the rocket is non-lethal.

    Now ordinarily, as he was about to say, Maggy hates this sort of shenanigans. It feels flagrantly unfair, there's not much that can be done to stop it, and doesn't require any sort of thought or creativity to employ effectively. That said, while he does hate this sort of tactical maneuver, he hates people who apply Pokemon logic towards cyborgs even more. Being electrocuted to death, or having half of his body shut down on him without warning...that's just disturbed. Better to sacrifice a little misplaced honor and take a cheap way out than to die like a punk at the hands of some twisted sadist who doesn't know how to fight with dignity, right?

    Besides, that pixie totally has it coming.

    [EMBOH Air-Vault]

    Well Magtok did throw an explosive at them. Which would do awful things to their squishy bits.
    So in that regard, maybe the electro-rocket is just karma?

    Although when you can just redirect the karma back at the people that sent it, it's a pretty awful punishment.

    Their faces were kinda funny though, all bug-eyed and confused when the telewarp does its job. Funny before they got obstructed by a sheen of crackling electricity and smoke anyway.

    Libby makes a little humming noise before glancing back at her 'kidnapper'.
    "Not all of those were entirely 'super', unfortunately."
    What does that mean? Probably nothing anyone needs to worry about.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lycan 01 View Post
    [Riftline Adventure Ride]

    Dawn pulls the bottle of soda she bought earlier out of her saddle bag. She pops the cap loose, takes a few quick gulps... and then promptly dumps in the bits of strange crystal and arcane thingamajigs into the bottle, filling it up to the top with strange debris and fizzing soda. She then screws the cap back on tightly, grins, and looks around to see if there are any Mindflayer dudes or other major threats left.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rebonack View Post
    [Riftline Rucks]

    Geneva frowns slightly at her the ship. This place is so small. Where could they have possibly put everyone?

    "Dawn?" the hippogriff calls out. "We need to find the hostages they took before we blow anything up."

    Because blowing up the hostages by mistake would be bad.

    Sunder gives her hooves a firm shake to dislodge the squidguts from them. "Alright. What have we got left?" she asks, leering about at the various slugmen still oozing around and doing slugman things. "Was that the last of 'em?"
    Quote Originally Posted by The Bushranger View Post
    [Riftline Rucuks]

    Lydia manages to backflip away from the slippery Flayer, however her sword is going along for the ride! Thankfully she used her usual sword instead of the Lightning Rapier, being a little shy of that after the last time she used it...

    "How many more?" she snaps.

    [Riftline Shenanigry]

    Dawn has something unknown and consequently unsettling!
    Wonder what that thing does?

    There's a lack of targets for her to choose at the moment, unless those slugmen happened to really freak her out. Or if she just decides she hates the floor.

    Which answers Sunder's question as well: only slugmen and themselves here.
    The remaining flayer has vanished somewhere into that fluid tank, which at least two of the sluggy folks are staring at curiously.

    "Haha! Gotcha!"
    The girl off to the side successfully manages to pull absolutely nothing out of the air, before tumbling back onto her rear. She's grinning rather widely, so apparently this was on purpose.
    "We're all set folksies!"

    "-nusual degree of resonance, and not altogether comfortable either."
    Her mind friend is musing to herself about something or other.
    "Geneva, you should get a sample!"
    Last edited by Chaotic Bob; 2013-07-04 at 11:19 PM.
    "Fear and creativity are conjoined twins."
    Absentee Spirit