[Interrogation Rooms]

With an impassive nod, Salf made a final note before setting down the stylus and leveling his gaze at Fritz. "A heroic effort." he said. "Seems your risk paid off although I suspect that it would have only been your life should you have failed. The ones who are smart with hostages try to keep as many as they are able for negotiative purposes. The less intelligent.. Well, they often don't bother with hostages." he said a tad darkly.

"Still, you posess good character from what I understand. Tell me, what weapons are you most familiar with? And finally, have you ever needed, in self defense or what have you, to take the life of another?" he said in a grave tone. There were the adventurers around here that spoke of such with an attitude of it being just another chore... Though it was widely accepted that adventurers were already a bit mad. But to place the proper weight on the subject was necessary, especially in such circumstances