Lord Corvus blinks. "At the time of the coup, I supported it. I believed that Houses Khaine and Hexulor were the best hope for the security and glory of Angrove. I believed the Reynaults were weak and would permit our city to be destroyed. I chose my side. It was only later I learned of the pact they had made with the fiends, and that in making my choice I damned myself.

I knew Azariah back then, counting him a close friend. He was a young knight, full of promise but hot-headed and full of the bravado of youth. I took him under my wing, hoping to help temper his excesses, believing him to have the potential to be a great knight. Instead, the fiends influenced him, encouraging his vices and convincing him that the ways of chivalry and honor were tools, to be used when convenient and discarded when not."