
"We have an Impire wide situation on our hands and the Emporer needs to be informed of what happened here. The fewer who need to know the whole truth of what happened, the less chance of widespread panic. If you are ready, I will begin with what needs to be sent to the Emporer and all magistrates. at this point Ikeira tells the tale of the gathering of the army, its march into the shadowlands,the instance of the weapons explosion, what the healers told them happened while they were unconcious, Ikeira's request to the healers. And now we come to what happened here. The second son of the merchant returned home tired in the middle of the night. Unbeknownst to all he was being corrupted by the taint from the extended campaign in the shadowlands. thus the shadowlands creature we found slowly killed the son from within. but he didnt fully die, as there are instances where he recognized his father, and the final proof that he was still fighting the taint was the bodies found in the well, drawing attention to himself to keep the creature from harming the villiage. Had we known the taint had become more powerful than a finger of jade could prevent, steps could have been taken to prevent this tradgedy. It is my suggestion to have all other survivors of the army recive a jade treatment and a cleansing bath to prevent any further appearances of shadowland creatures inside the empires defenses. Especially since general Kyo sit with the emporer and is himself a survivor."