Las Noches -- Quinta's District

Valentina, La Sexta Espada, receives the invitation from Madam Tinja. Upon arriving, she comments details of the army. "This looks very well-done. My only question is: How do you plan on keeping everyone in line? With so many layers of command, there's bound to be disloyalty and disobedience."

I'm sure Tinja has something already worked out, but Valentina would like to know it.

More damaged sector

Most Arrancars present are busy, running about, repairing the broken buildings and roads, clearing the clutter and ruins from the streets that fell from the top of the dome. Most Arrancars are boasting about their strengths, or are talking about the recent change in leadership, or are talking about taking over the Shinigami.

One, in particular, is doing none of that. He just stands there.
It just stands there. Its plain, white face and soulless eyes show absolutely no emotion, no discussion, no nothing. His broken mask still covers the right side of his head.

"Someone move him out of the way." "Can't someone move it?" "I don't like that thing." Mutterings from the other Arrancars don't seem to bother the Sin Rostro. Standing there, emotionless.

Even the more fearsome Arrancars are unnerved by the soulless look of this Sin Rostro.

Finally, two brave stupid recently-formed Arrancars begin a game similar to "Slap the Bull" - whichever one elicits a response from this thing first, loses. This does not seem like a good idea.