Cessie regards the cyborg cautiously as he's finished. During his whole speech she couldn't help but remember why she had choose to not involve herself much with politics in Hestopia. Ever so often you had to deal with these types of situations.

The fact she was was using an elemental body didn't make it easier, she couldn't find her center and relax while holding up eldritch creations like this. "I'd appreciate it if you'd keep a civil tone, but I guess that's too much to ask for in a meeting like this." She starts. "But if it eases your feeling of helplessness some, Ilpholin is as far beyond your grasp as ours."

The sorceress turns to the other councilmembers. "While it is true Ilpholin was intended to be a double-agent in AMEN that is no longer true, if it ever was. It eventually became clear she had dual loyalties, especially as a Ilpholin showed up in Watch shortly before the Riverside invasion."

Cessie turns to look at the cyborg once again. "I'm sure you're familiar with the concept of clones Magtok and that's what showed up in Watch. But rather than a perfect clone of Ilpholin, it was another version of her. From what have been explained to me there are two Ilpholin's now, one in Watch and one in AMEN, two different persons that while both looking like her has different personalities and goals. Apparently her dual loyalties made her split into two since she couldn't hold it together mentally using powers she acquired from an Oni, a powerful being of my world. Some here might be familiar with the being known as "Libra" which are one of them."

She pauses, taking a deep breath and shifts her attention from Magtok back to the other councilmembers. "In any case, I'm sure this sounds complicated enough already but DC have nothing to do with either the Ilpholin in Watch or the one in AMEN and Watch certainly has nothing to do what AMEN is doing there."