Quote Originally Posted by Sir_Leorik View Post

So yeah, Girard and the Draketooths could have been Chaotic Neutral, despite their daily schedules, their complicated traps and illusions, their standing vigil over a Gate for decades and their keeping the oath Girard swore not to interfere with the other Gates. They can't be Chaotic Good, not if what Orrin did to Penelope was standard practice for their clan.

And since when the alignment of your son makes your own alignment? Even conceding that Orrin wasn't CG doesn't mean that his father Girard is CN retroactively...

"They" (I suppose you mean the Draketooths) don't need to have all the same alignment, it's not even suggested in the strips.

So let's not mix everything together. We only know about Orrin and Girard. Girard was clearly chaotic, but going against a paladin doesn't mean that you are not in the side of good (remember Miko and Roy relation?), specially in a world where paladins tend to have a little pouch of fascism inside, like...

SOD spoiler:

committing genocide. No matter the people exterminated are "almost always evil", as the Sapphire Guard killed also children and grandfathers

Girard Draketooth is just a Chaotic Good characters who, in character development has come to hate a paladin guy.