Soul Society-Senkaimon

Naijeru nods as he hands over his badge to Hideki. He gives Masaru's badge to him as well and proceeds to help his fellow Packmate to the Medical Division. He took some bumps and bruises in that fight too, though he never expected Masaru to be laid out like he was.

Los Noches-Quinta District

The Arrancar at the meeting would notice sounds of discontent getting closer to them before Kyoki would show up, Ragunaroku seeming dragging her body forward in a huff. "Yo! Sorry were late, the wimp here got us lost." "B-But you were the one who took a wrong turn." Ragunaroku smashes a large fist against Kyoki's skull in retaliation to her claim as he said, "Like I said! Kyoki here got us lost. Probably because she was up so late redesigning our district. Anyway, what'd we miss?"