Quote Originally Posted by BenjCano View Post
When you have a slam attack that inflicts negative levels, you don't study exotic grappling techniques that are only marginally better than what you can do on your own unless you're paranoid about encountering enemies protected from your natural attack and need a reliable way to immobilize protected spellcasters.
Racial characteristic. Once he cast Divine Power, he is a brutal grappling machine, relative to anyone but Roy or Tarquin. He does not need good technique against Durkon.

When your vampiric nature is a secret, you don't build backdoors into spells you help design with clerics you are friendly with unless you're paranoid about giving yourself an edge over them should the two of you ever come to blows.
Why not? There is no reason not to. It is just an intellectual challenge, to someone who probably considers himself a world expert on negative energy and time on his hands.

When you don't plan anything more strenuous for the day than chilling with your friend on the terrace, drinking tea, you don't prepare the 1-2 fatal combination of Harm and Quickened Inflict Moderate Wounds unless you're paranoid about an unexpected adversary dropping in.
Why not? Malack has precious spell slots that are going to be filled with something. That he picked these spells proves nothing. To show that surely he should pick something else instead is your row to hoe.

Malack seems to have a personal affinity for negative energy. That seems natural enough.