Kalamar stares at the light, wide eyed and enthralled. Such beauty, such power, and yet.... So boring. So tame and controlled. It lacked any sense of conflict or excitement. His smile quickly dissipated as he thought on about the light, and he almost didn't notice Sins question "Ah yes, I would very much appreciate that. If they are half as lovely as you are then it would be a true delight to meet them both, and personally thank Alue for handling some of the work for me." He said, turning back to smile at Sin yet noticing the Variations instead.

They writhed in pain, calling out for aid and yet receiving none. Ehza, with all the willpower he could muster, had managed to crawl his way to Kalamar and beg to him "Help us oh father! The hunger!...." He began to cough and writhe, unable to even speak further. "But first allow me to answer my peoples blight," He muttered before striding off to the side. Gripping one of the fallen corpses of the Variations he walked to the center of the encampment and raised the body high. "You hunger, so I offer you the fruit of life itself! Drink deep that which flows through you all, and prepare for what is to come! Eat my children, EAT!" And with that he tore the Variation in half, its innards flying about as its corpse was thrown to the surviving Variations. The process continued, and they came upon the corpses like rabid animals, tearing and rending flesh with reckless abandon. Conflict began to boil as Variations butted horns to see who got to eat what, the conflict sometimes even leading to further bloodshed which itself led to more corpses for fighting over. The Imps and Demons lying about even participated, and eventually it devolved into a pit of cannibalism as brother ate what was once brother. When all was said and done, they looked upon themselves with the tiniest sliver of shame. For whatever sense of decency was left in them was stripped, and only madness remained. Taking the skulls of their fallen brothers they adorned their faces with them as masks to cover what little shame they felt and further emulate Ehza and Kalamar. When the bones ran out they resorted to carving wood with horns, with the more deranged of them demanding Imps to sear hardened rock in the form of masks onto their faces (Few survived).

Turning back to Sin, Kalamar looks back to where he saw the light and says "Whenever you are ready, we'll go."