
Api-Niyap returned to the valley of Aodama in time to witness the red sky of sunrise, and the light of Onore's sun, and for this time, the valley flourished with more color and life, the year returning to beginning. Even monsters were not a trouble in this peaceful and isolated time. The people of Aodama grew with Api-Niyap's presence, and it is said that there was no more beautiful place of grass and peace at this time. A land of green and beautiful flowers in the returned spring, and no want. Even the monsters in the darkness were placated with food, abundantly given freely.

And for this time, it was peaceful, working in the dirt and planting the seeds, Api-Niyap returned to this simple life, bickering in friendship with the Phoenix. But she had not forgotten her meeting with Ilos and Mystos, and remembered fondly the Grassfeet she had traveled with before year.
So it was when sitting on a rock in the field to eat lunch, that Api-Niyap spoke to Phoenix.

"I think that cloud looks happy, traveling freely."

"You sound jealous. Aren't you the goddess of these people?" The pheonix asked the green haired girl.
"No, even if these words are given and appreciated, I don't like the heavy blue beads, and sitting makeup and perfume, being honored. It makes me embarrassed." The spring child responded as she watched the clouds and swung dirty feet aimlessly.
"You haven't changed." The fire bird's remark. "You are still petulant about cleaning and pruning properly!" Tilting her head further back, Api-Niyap frowned at the phoenix.
"Of course I change. I am not petulant!"

"Yes, especially in spring you are." The phoenix chided. Api-Niyap sighed.
"You're always critical in spring."
"Because you are childish." The spring child's pout responded wordlessly.
"That isn't fair!"
"Fire burns everything, right? Even my sharp comments are like this to a goddess."

The tossed dusty robe fell over the sitting bird.
"A bossy bird isn't appreciated on a beautiful day. I already finished today's work, so what is wrong with enjoying my lunch?" The stripped girl's roughhoused reply. Flapping wings and naked arms wrestled.
"If you want to pretend to be a goddess, then wear these heavy beads!"
The triumphant spring child's challenge, as she succeeded in placing them around the Phoenix's neck.
"My my, you are really irresponsible today." The resigned Phoenix's reply as it handed back the robe to Api-Niyap who wore a naked self-satisfied expression.
"That's because I'm restless. There's a lot to do, but I am thinking of far-away things." The spring child replied, returning to restless foot-swaying and cloud watching.
"Are you nervous? Normally you only look pay attention to the present."
"Maybe. I can't stop thinking about other things, except when I'm working. Doesn't that make me responsible?"
"Maybe, unless you are thinking about that clock or cook." The doubtful bird's reply. The red-faced child scowled.
"No! But I mean, what if I am a goddess? What sort of goddess should I be?" She asked, turning serious again as she looked at the clouds.

There was silence for this pensive moment.
"Shouldn't I have a goal or desire? That's what Ilos and Mystos have."
She asked curiously.

More silence and the soft breeze of spring.

"I think you should make it a goal to wear your clothes properly. Then maybe by Autumn (of next next year!) you can grow up to be a goddess worthy of that cook."
The sarcastic reply of the Phoenix.
Of course there was the sound of dropped robe, and the mixed cries of girl and phoenix [friends] wrestling and arguing friendly in the fields of spring of the Valley of Aodama as the clouds pass.