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    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Re: [MLP FwM] Miscellaneous Outside Adventures.

    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
    The other unicorn grabbed those icicles with his magic and smirked back. As the earth pony made to fall on top of Icy, the unicorn guy made to look as if he was gonna fling them back at Icy but instead flung them at Quick Step. Heck, gonna die? Might as well take out an easy target. Quick' fell out of her daze as she sprang leapt for the remaining fairly intact toilet stall, though she screamed finding herself with icicles piercing her leg.
    The one thing Icy hated more than enemies who just wouldn't die? Enemies who actually thought it was a good idea to injure non-combatants who didn't even pose a threat. It offended the very core of her being.

    With a growl, she flung the earth pony off with her telekinesis, no wonder bothering with niceties, and rolled to face the unicorn. "You're dead," she stated simply, as her horn glowed again. The very air seemed to freeze around the unicorn, making breathing difficult and blurring his vision. Then Icy let loose her salvo, half a dozen of icicles as large as a foreleg, her icy magic driving them forward to make sure the unicorn didn't repeat his trick.
    Last edited by Grif; 2013-08-08 at 01:12 PM.