Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
The other unicorn grabbed those icicles with his magic and smirked back. As the earth pony made to fall on top of Icy, the unicorn guy made to look as if he was gonna fling them back at Icy but instead flung them at Quick Step. Heck, gonna die? Might as well take out an easy target. Quick' fell out of her daze as she sprang leapt for the remaining fairly intact toilet stall, though she screamed finding herself with icicles piercing her leg.


"But I have been talking and running my mouth, but I ain't seeing trouble being saved.."
He said as he eyed the board warily. "Are you going to paddle me?"

"Get out of meine kitchen you annoying idioten!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get out! Get ooooooooooooooooooooooout!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Chef Juliene loudly barked as a dark purple aura appeared over her as her eyes became all white with flames for pupils as as she hopped onto the counter and stood on her hind legs, a pair of butcher knives in her magical hold. It was getting all shonen anime in here.

As for Sun Kissed, all she could think about was how 'Ink Pen's' accent was gone.
a-HA! Lone Star pointed accusingly. You DO have butcher knives!!

Hay Bale facehoofed. Not the time, Star...

Lone Star huffed and looked away, then blinked and waved at Sun Kissed. Oh hai Sun! Or was it Cerise? Lemon? I'm sorry, I'm terrible with names.

What? No you're not. You just pretend to be so you can insult people when you want and get away with it.

What was that, Pee Stain?

Oh come ON! Stain was a stallion! And a pegasus, for that matter!... And he was BLUE!!

...Apparently the shojo chef is being ignored.