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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Re: Dragon Age II, Part 2: The Qun is pretty deep, you wouldn't understand it.

    Bioware went out of its comfort zone with DA2, and whenever we leave our comfort zones, our metaphorical home turf, we're bound to make mistakes. Bioware certainly did make mistakes with DA2, the biggest of which was definitely that they needed more time. This was likely the "root" mistake, as well. If they had more time, they wouldn't have had to reuse the same areas over and over, and they probably would have addressed issues with the plot concerning Hawke's motivation for those who don't like the other characters, or who managed to get their siblings killed. Despite all that, I still think it was a good game, if only for what it tried to do. I suppose that I'll have to agree to disagree with people like Avilan (also, that avatar kind of creeps me out for reasons that escape me, so I find myself a bit frightened of Avilan right now). At any rate, I hope that Bioware continues to attempt to challenge itself like it did with DA2, while learning from their mistakes. They certainly seem to have learned from their biggest mistake: sometimes you just need more time. The amount of time that DA3 has been in production compared to DA2 is something I find rather encouraging.
    Last edited by Beowulf DW; 2013-08-10 at 08:07 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Flickerdart View Post
    Fortunately, a Monk 1/Warblade 19 uses Iron Heart Surge to end the Monk character class, and the day is saved.