Quote Originally Posted by MCerberus View Post

"It will be easier to breath if you stop struggling,"
Ammy reminds Fox while using TK to help keep the board stable. It's really an emotionless, by-the-book affair. "Now, would you like to tell me why you're here, and why you've been so disruptive?"

"you can ask him..I socked him one for looking at my girl ...wrong...told him ...hnnn..aaah..straight up.."
He strained a bit and closed his eyes for a moment.

Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
YAAA! Lone Star dodged to the side, the knife slicing a line on his side. What the he-

Hay Bale's hoof slammed into Lone Star's head, and the pegasus crumpled. She picked up the pegasus. Sorry about that, Julienne. I woulda killed him, but Mr.Shag wants him alive. She started to leave.
"zthank you Hay Bale...geet him out of heres 'fore I cut him, gangsta' estyle." Chef Julienne narrowed her eyes, annoyance and anger still present on her face.

"Everybady else..geet back to the workings, now! No dawdling!" She wailed at everyone else.

Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
Icy hardly spared her now-dead foe a second glance before whirling around to see where the earth pony had got to, ice hammer in tow. "Now it's your turn," she growled. Quick was still being summarily ignored.

The tough earth pony wasn't where Icy left her despite the hit to the head, instead, Icy got a surprise side tackle towards the star. "You...you biscuit fudger ticker...aw baloney!..You...you...you..bitch!" She finally cursed making use of her earth pony strength and endurance.