[Tavern Basement]

N'alae just decides to leave that as 'off' for now. She doesn't want to know what those other settings might do.

"I was not going to say anything, but replace 'spirits' with 'aliens' and you won't be too far off the mark. Fortunately for my people, they preferred to annoy another faction...most of the time. The Councilor is both less powerful and more benevolent than that, thankfully. More relevantly, I believe we're done here. The investigation will continue, but our part in it here is over. You both have my personal gratitude, and I will be sure to mention your roles in my report."

She addresses Allo specifically next. "Officer, as you were technically off-duty before this started, you may do what you will after turning in the gear."

Now for John. "Mr. O'Connel, check with the staff here in a day's time and you will receive a monetary stipend for services rendered. And potential medical bills."

"If neither of you has any further questions, you are both dismissed."