Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
"You could have just gone to another restroom...maybe the one across the street." The earth pony mare heaved as she wobby stood up and walked over to Icy, hoof at her neck before raising it high. "But no...you had to be a busy body." She moved to swing down against Icy's neck to break it when the earth pony mare was hit in the head with a wad of wet toilet paper. "What the fudgery?..." She glanced over and saw a panting, tired, beat up Quick Step with another wad of wet toilet paper in her hoof. The earth pony cultish mare laughed. "Really? What a waste of toilet paper."

Quick Step took a moment to roll her eyes and threw the wad of wet TP at the mare. "I'm...begging to ah..differ.."

"That's just annoying now..." The earth pony culty mare growled as she temporarily forgot about Icy and looked at Quick as she removed the TP from her face.
You know what they say. Never turn your back on an opponent that is still alive. Scarcely after the words left her mouth that an ice sledgehammer slammed onto the back of the earth pony's head, possibly cracking her skull in the process.

"A busybody who just happened to stop your evil plans, bitch," Icy wheezed, the battered unicorn somehow managing to lift her head.