As the little fey goes to hand Alex back the wand he shakes his head and smiles. It seems to me it was meant for you little one. You did a very brave thing back there. Alex says reaching his hand out and letting it fill with a bright golden light, gently places his large hand on her back, though it instead covers her whole body. A warmth can be felt tingling throughout Vioelts body as the glow seems to fade from his hands. Those who show kindness to others will always receive it. Alex says as he moves his hand away from her with a soft and gentle smile.

+20hp Violet, Lay on hands

Once done he looks to the creatures that have fallen and begins taking their loot off of them. When a creature seems to appear out of nowhere made of sticks and acorns. Stopping he looks towards it only to be battered against a tree. If might makes right then you should know then that power also corrupts. Alex says struggling against the branches holding him back, his muscles bulging as he begins forcing himself off the tree. But before he could finish the little boy spoke up, challenging the guardian of the woods. So you will let them kill the stag then?

As they finally decided to make camp Alex goes to look for Kara as he always did, getting ready to say he would set up while she made dinner as they both knew she was the better cook, but as he turned around and did not see her he was reminded once more of her letter. Of her leaving him, a sadness goes across his face as he nods to the others and slowly begins working on his own tent. Getting it ready for that night, his first night ever without two of the most important people in his life being there.