The deck officer shrugs, "Suit yourselves. Follow me." He leads you inside the lander, past the cargo to a cramped passenger compartment where the tallest among you have to stoop to avoid banging your heads on the bulkhead above.

You each take a seat on the metal seats, stowing your gear in compartments beneath you. You then secure yourselves with the heavily padded straps, which the deck officer checks are tight before exiting forward into what you presume is the cockpit.

There is a few moments, then a cold robotic voice sounds over the vox-com, counting down to launch. As it does so you can hear the drop-ship sealing its hatches with a clang and a hiss as the ship pressurizes. The noise quietens to a dull rumble as the lighter's engines power up.

As the count reaches zero there is a gut wrenching lurch as the lighter is fired down out of the hanger bay and into the void.

The engine noise ascends to a roar, making it impossible for you to communicate with the other acolytes. The next 30 minuets are filled with bone rattling shaking and gut wrenching gee forces that makes the inexperience among you feel like you are about to lose your last meal.

Everyone who said they were inexperienced in drops please take a toughness test.