Jonah gives a small shake of his head, snapping back to reality. He smiles sheepishly. "Sorry about that. That was, uh... Bit of a trick the werewolves have, actually," he says, before setting his book down on the table and putting his feet down on the floor, wincing slightly as he moves his right leg, so that he can sit up straight and have proper posture. The other Hunters may recognize this as Jonah going into "Hermione Granger" mode, when he likes to babble about the occult and various beasties, real or imagined.

"Werewolves actually possess a mind-altering... quality, of sorts," he says, tapping the side of his head. "From what my colleagues told me, seeing a werewolf, particularly in its man-wolf hybrid form, tends to send most people into a blind panic. Even Hunters, who fully grasp what they're seeing and have been preparing for the encounter, can be affected. And then recalling the experience is a challenge in and of itself. From what I've been told, most people can't even remember the experience, or can only remember bits and pieces. Others, well..." he shrugs, gesturing at himself. "It really depends on the individual, I think..."

He then gives a shake of his head, before turning his gaze back to Leon and frowning. "At any rate, I didn't bring you back any samples because it's impossible to do so. The Abbey loves to take trophies, but werewolves are nearly impossible to take pieces from due to the fact that upon death, they revert back to human form, as does any part of them that has been removed prior to death. So a werewolf fang, even if it were expertly extracted and preserved, would turn back into a human tooth the moment the werewolf expires. And I doubt airport security would have let me back into the States with a suitcase full of human teeth and skin samples," he says with a wry grin.