
It was a dark day back in the Village of the Ash, hidden in the walls of the capital. They always spoke of their superiority to ninjas that dwelled in the light, but one young ninja had had enough. Aiko had told her the way out - an old entrance past the dilapidated Uchiha grounds; little underground pillar-huts, their structures scorches, and the shadows of people still etched into the walls by the ashes. God knew what the place was, in this deepest, lowest part of the city, but it was too forbidden and guarded for Reina to worry about much. For whatever reason, the Uchiha had left this entrance of all entrances vulnerable to escape - if Kaza had escaped this way, it wouldn't remain hidden for long. She presses on into the temple at the centre, full of ancient writing beyond her understanding, lifts the mats and sneaks under the floorboards to the 'kagemusha's den'. A small tunnel leads to a backwall that seems made of stone, but it response to the movement of an odd trinket Aiko left her - an amulet of 'good luck', seemingly an innocuous little gem pendant. The wall shifts when next she touches it, allowing her to fall through, a small, subterranian river Aiko hadn't mentioned almost sweeping her away before she once again gets room enough to stand. She was soaked and covered with mud, but it wasn't like it mattered. The first time she knows the sky is above her, she finds the moon floating above her, waxing and almost full. At that moment, no one in the world knew where she was. And she was outside, free to go where she willed. It would be a few hours at least before the village realised she wasn't in it anymore, surely. She would have to make those hours count.

'The moon... what an odd thing it is... so scary, yet pretty...'

It had been weeks since she'd spoken to Kaza. After Aiko had vanished to god knows where, Kaza apparently slipped away, or was simply forced to keep distant, by her elders in charge of Reina's tuition. Maybe that distance was what prompted her to leave... but who knows for now.

Okay, here's what to do, Hana: describe any investigation you make into Kaza's whereabouts or her motivations of late (what she's been up to, why she hasn't been able to see you), and what preparations you make for the journey (getting a map and some food, maybe stealing some emergency cash from your mentors, for example). Feel free to roll Wits to gather information, and whatever other skills seem like a good idea.

From there, describe where you first go and what you do on that first night on the run.