My goal for this class was to be a monk that didn't suck. Primarily, I'd hoped to do this by removing all the supernatural nonsense and replacing it with a hard-hitting, mobile warrior. Brawler has a strong chassis, but weak archetypes. Some of them are too narrow; others are too random (Cenobite...). While I'm not opposed to adding in a bit of the mystical mumbo-jumbo, I'd like to keep it to a minimum. But maybe that's my own baggage, and people like that about the monk? Ideally, the Brawler fills the role of the mobile fighter, darting strategically in and out of combat with precision and ease. I think this one has not done too badly at its goal.
How about each archetype exemplifies a style of fighting? Boxing, Karate, Kung fu, Muay Thai, Judo, est.

Just pitchin' my $0.02