By dimensions and aeons, lost through warps in space and anti-space, knowledge flutters and streams endlessly through the shadows cast by the lurker on the mountains. Horrors and malevolent beings lie and wait until the awakening of the old. Hordes of sinister beasts sunder the earth. Purging it of the elements it held so richly in its roots. Through dark sacraments, and curses in tongues of old, the shaman-kings bring forth vulgar monstrosities. Hideously deformed constructs now festering the very world.

Uniting to become one stand against this heinous legion, the the rolling flat-lands of Korvestra, the great forest of Vilfirdia, the cold mountains of Ghardr, and the golden-prairies of Antyk, have banded together for the greater fate of the world. Great Wizards mark days yet to come. With an awakening of Titans to lead the army, and the awakening of the old ones, on the edge of its slumber.

The Final Contract is to be made by their gods. Uniting two figure-heads together in order to symbolize the combining of forces. Political movement and civilized rituals are in order to bring to together people of each race. This day is a day of celebration and often known as a wedding.

The King and Queen of Korvestra, and the King and Queen of Vilfiridia have brought their single offspring to wed, and create a bond between Elves and Humans once more. To make this day perfect for his daughter, the King has hired performers, magical advisers, caterers, scouts, muscle, and many other experienced adventurers around the area to ensure maximum protection.

Monika Korvestra will birth the offspring of a titan of courage. The new leader of the good. The last hope of the creatures making a stand against the vile.

Chatter and music played serenely through the courtyard, as nobles and royals ate and drank with guards. A royal blue carpet ran down the middle of the courtyard and upon the steps leading up to a fine stage with an intricate white arch. Vines with bright colorful blossoms enmeshed a beautiful filigree threaded through the white arch. the small was placed in front of a view of the garden just past a railing of white. the railing ran both left and right to accompany two symmetrical sets of stairs on either side.