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Thread: The Fatal Awakening

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    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: The Fatal Awakening


    A woman in crimson and sienna garb sits to the right of an Elven noble. She speaks to him in fluent Elvish about how days like these are still days where one must fret over even the most minor of details. She goes on to cant about several disasters that may occur, from the more probable Assassination Attempt by a Jealous Former Lover, to the more unlikely Giant Insect Breaking Through the Stained Glass Windows and Consuming the Prince Where he Stands.

    She pauses to adjust the staff leaning against her shoulder, before continuing her monologue with the Elvish Lord ignoring her ramblings by diverted his attention to a woman sitting to his left:

    "[Elvish]It is all a matter of prospective. You and I may see this as a great day for our kind, but others might find such an alliance deplorable. So one cannot disperse the thoughts of Misfortune from entering their unconscious or conscious mind.
    When one simply believes that only the best scenario will occur, one is only setting themselves up for disappointment.[/Elvish]

    She pauses and looks towards the gem glimmering at the top of her staff. After a few seconds of staring at the gem, the woman sighs and fiddles around with the bangs in front of her eyes.

    "One can only hope that hope exists."

    Padding herself off, she gets up and wanders over to an middle-aged human. The man taps his foot in anticipation as he gives her a stern look.

    "What were you doing having a conversation like that near an Elvish Lord, in Elvish no less?! You want to look like a crazy or something?!
    If everything goes well, you can become the Head Doctor to this new family and finally put our village back on the map.

    "Carbuncle, you should use your "inside voice" if you wish to speak to me in such a harsh tone. Others might find your words...disconcerting."

    The man grunts and gives the woman several odd looks as though he is miming out emotions of anger and worry. It is as though he is speaking to her without saying a single word.
    She, in turn, simple smiles at the man's behavior and pats him on the shoulder.

    -- End Scene --
    Last edited by Chained Birds; 2013-08-27 at 08:52 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karoht View Post
    In soviet dungeon, aboleth farms you!
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