"Do you know what is most irregular-- I remember our fiasco of our charade a bit differently.." Quill answers when the subject has already changed.

"The first one was a success, they let us in the keep and prevented the guards to stop Muscles and yourself from being spotted by the guards. Up until we showed our literal color"

"And our last brush with Butchy the Flayer allowed us to land a few clouts before he became... self aware."

"Without our bad acting, i might say. It would have been our rogue bleeding at the door entrance. Mister Badger would have been summoned to late and Muscles would have no clear sight on his enemy."

A bin grin appears on the gnomes his face.
"The more jubilant criminals are the one that act like they have nothing to hide. And thus they evade the authorities. I ask only that we do the same here, knowing that we are that good at this disguise is more a boon as we are already taking in account that we will be discovered"

He walks next to Savin not wanting to risk 3 more arrows in his chest while rushing to the guardhouse.